
64 Game Reviews

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Just finished the game today and I used to play this game back in the day when I was a young kid. So to begin the story you play as this character where you find these four sprits that give you spells that help you out in the game. When you collect them all you fight the final boss. You fight different enemies in the game like spiders, porcupines, dragonflies, fire monsters, plants, and so on. You fight different bosses in the game depending on how far you progress. You have 2 weapons you use in the game: the attack and spells. You do get items and most of them are pretty useful like fruits that give you hp, mana potions that give you magic points, items that give you health or mana but decrease your health or mana depending on the one you get, and others that give you both. The best spell in the game is the meteor since it does more damage and is easier to use. For 2 special spells, you have to press mash space to charge it for more power. Another has you using the wasd button to make it more powerful. There are 2 islands in the game and 2 places are the first area of the game and the last area where you fight the final boss. There are different areas you go to like the forest, mines, desert and so on. When you play this game you will get lost unless you talk to NPCs that give you hints on where you have to go or use the oracle that the girl in the first forest gives you which helped me out a lot. The music isn't that memorable but it's ok. When you are in the first village that you live in you should talk to the guy in the area in the house to do some errands for him that he requested and he'll give you a sword but I got rid of it for a different weapon on the second island. You do get money from enemies when you kill them which are random. You can use them for items, swords, and switching your clothes which isn't necessary unless you are sick of your outfit. You can customize your character in the game when you create him like giving him different eyes, and a different shirt, and coloring it, a beginner weapon that can give damage and magic damage depending on the one you use, and hairstyle. I did read this guy's review below me saying the visuals don't look good but for me, as a young kid I didn't care about graphics and when I look at it now I think it looks ok. It looks the same as other flash games I played back then. I mean I have seen worse graphics. I will play this guy's next game after this review and see how it is compared to this one to see If he or she has improved on the gameplay, visuals, and story compared to this one. Not the best flash RPG I played but as a kid, It was fun for me to play so I give this a 7 out of 10.

So after finishing World of Pain chapter 3 I decided to try this game out again since I haven't played it since I was in middle school or High School. To begin with, the game is the same as the World of Pain game except you get guns, and has an action RPG feel to it. You get guns like crossbows, rifles, laser guns, shotguns, pistols, and so on. When you play the game it can be hard at first since you have to get used to the gameplay in the game. When you fight you can tell that the character models for you and the enemies are kind of crudely drawn. Not that it's bad because I've seen worse. For someone who did this for his game, they look pretty ok. You do get quests in the game like killing certain monsters, getting items for a certain person, going to a location, and talking to people. You go to different areas in the game like forests, dungeons, deserts, and castles. There was one battle where I was underpowered and got killed since I had a crossbow with me which did like 8 damage top while the enemies had like 4,000 HP and above. After that, I promised I would go back and kill the enemies and get revenge when I got stronger. When I got the minigun I felt overpowered with it since it had a high ammo count and fast fire rate for like 600 damage or a second. You do get equipment like accessories, armor, hats, and boots. I think I finished all the quests in the game because I'm kind of a completionist when it comes to games that are simple to do. There are medals in this game that are useless but give you something to do when you play. There are multiple enemies in the game. Bugs, orcs, different zombie types like chickens, dogs, and others. This is probably the strangest RPG I played on Newgrounds since it takes place in a kingdom-like setting while you get modern firearms to kill enemies and you get futuristic weapons. The game is pretty loud and the music did get mind-numbing after a while so I just switched to something else and put on the music I listen to from Spotify like in World of Pain Chapter 3. The ending is kind of stupid so I'm not gonna spoil it until you see it yourself. I give this game a 7 out of 10. Thanks for reading my review and have a good day.

So after playing this game nearly all night from somewhere between 9 pm to 4 am, I have to say this is a big improvement over the first one. Haven't played the second one because I can't find it on Newgrounds. I did finish before but on Max games, I can't play it because it's glitched for me and I can't get through the menu screen. So to begin with this game you start off with a character with certain techniques that they are good with like magic, speed, attack, health, etc. I choose the one with more health I think. You pretty much do quests around the world until you beat the final boss of the game. The Author's comments in the Newgrounds on the description explain it pretty much. I wanted to play a bit of it before I went to bed but I wanted to keep going since I started to get better at it. You get pretty good equipment in the game like swords, axes, scythes, and golden weapons that are pretty powerful to have for the end of the game. There are skill points that can help you increase the damage of your weapon, the amount of health you have, how fast you can attack and I think accuracy, increase the minimum damage to a higher amount instead of lower, and Mana that increases your mana and strength of mana. There are enemies in the game that are cliches like slimes, bandits, knights, ghosts, and dragons that you usually see in games like this that look JRPGish. When you get to the end of the game you get a lot of money for killing certain enemies one for me got me 4,000 gold and I kept grinding until I was able to get a strong gold weapon. Kill the vampires they give out a lot of exp and money. Also, the level cap in the game is over level 99 so I made a bet that I would go above 99. There are enemies that can take a lot of health out of you if you don't increase the vitality a lot or have attributes from other equipment that increase that. There are hats, shoes, arms, body, and accessories. For me, I ground this game for like 20 to 40 min to get the four-leaf clover that gives good attributes. Also on rare occasions, you fight enemies with infinite attack which helped me out with the final boss. Some people call it cheating I call it taking advantage of the game mechanics. I think it's because I put the agility up to a number so high that the game couldn't keep up with it. I don't know that's my theory. There are different areas in the game you explore in the game. Grasslands, deserts, snow areas, caves, forests, and dungeons. You can fight in the arena which has enemies that you'll probably see in the game in the past and future. When you do that you get some loot. Some are pretty good. You do get useful pets instead of being in an even fight with an enemy you can have the advantage. For me, I started with the goblin and then made my way to getting the devastator pet that does pretty good damage and uses a skill that's pretty powerful but costs a lot of MP. There is a choice to buy coins but I never used it because I didn't want to have a pay-to-win method of playing. Also, I got stuck on some quests because I didn't know what to do until I realized I had to talk to certain people and do certain tasks to move ahead in the game. There was one I think is glitched where you have to get a rock key and I talked to the wise man and he just said: "Thank you". Everyone in the game says then when you are doing the quest and finished with the quest. Also out of context and this is just me this game has one use of the f curse word in the game which made me wonder how that got an E on Newgrounds. Whatever I seen things like that on Newgrounds all the time. There were times I got killed because I wasn't prepared for a boss so I had to go back and get better by grinding my level and getting better equipment. There is music but I muted it and put on the music that I listen to from Spotify to keep myself occupied and relaxed throughout the game so I can get into a mood. I give this game a 7 out of 10 but I do recommend trying it out since I played this game for many hours and finished it all in one setting It was fun and was pretty satisfying to finally complete the game for me. That's my experience with this game. Thanks for reading my review and have a good day.

The first one I played is the second one that I got pretty far on but this one is way too hard and too grindy to be fair. When I first played I had like 2 to 4 damage to the first enemy until I realized I had to equip the equipment I had. After that It got easy but the enemy counter rate is just random. You either barely get any enemies for a while or you get enemies that pop out in a second. There was one battle that I nearly died in but was lucky the hit was in low damage. Also, the money in this is so low when you kill enemies even when you are in the future areas. I didn't make it pretty far also I couldn't save at all because I didn't know how to save until I saw the author's comments which would have been nice to see in the game instead of putting it in the description of Newgrounds. If you're going to play this game series then try out the sequel it's a big improvement over this cluster of a game. Probably one of the few games i give it a 5 out of 10.

I played the one that EvelynnSmurf said in the review section and I finally got to get the full experience of the game. So to pretty much start this is a sequel to the first game and it's a big improvement over the first one. So you pretty much start as a girl or guy training in a cave trying to get used to the machine with someone. I started as a girl because I wanted a new experience and named her Aisha based on the anime girl from Galatic Star anime from the 90s. The game is pretty easy to get used to you have things you can do in the game. You go through caves, junkyards, jungles, beaches, and other places in this game. You get different weapons in the game like guns and melee weapons. The guns are more powerful to use since they have more damage and more hits per attack compared to the melee weapons. You get two suits in the game the first one which is weak and the second one which is better where you can use super abilities with it like attacks that can almost one-shot normal enemies. I do like the visual in this kind of reminds me of the PS1 game Xenogear (Never played the game but will someday). Two other characters can heal, attack, and can do group attacks. You do get money in the game that can help you out as you play in the game and some equipment can be useful like the one that can heal you or the robot that can heal you when in battle. The bosses when I first played the game were tough but I got used to it and didn't have to worry very much about it since I upgraded my characters to a point where I can use the super abilities. For some weapons, you need to have these energy things to use some weapons and armor to use it which I got confused with at first then figured out how it worked. There are bounties you can do like fighting certain monsters that spawn at a certain place but it takes a long time when you are looking for them so you have to be patient when you are trying to find them. Some fight and some run away so get used to it. The music in this game is pretty good and this is one of the few RPGs on Flash that I finished. I was disappointed when I realized that there wasn't going to be a sequel. If there ever is a sequel the person should put it on Steam since that's where some Flash game developers are putting their games at now. You do get items like a smoke screen that can reduce your chance of fighting enemies depending on the grade you have like from grade F to grade A or S if it exists. You can rest in the game that can increase time by a few hours but I rarely do this since the game doesn't change much except for how the sky looks like. You do get clothes and accessories for your characters that can increase your attack range, evasion, and accuracy. Like shirts, pants, shoes, and jewelry. I think there's one I missed but I won't go back to the game to check since I'm lazy. Some clothes can give negative attributes but that's rare to see. There are monsters that you fight in the game like robots, floating coin monsters, drill monsters, bats, and so on. There are points where I nearly got killed because of how not careful and cocky I got in the game but I was lucky to survive and not start at a certain section again to grind. There are secret areas in the game when you cut the grass and look for signs saying that there's a secret place somewhere so be on the lookout for those. So back to the story which will have spoilers so be wary when you read my review of it. When you get back to town you pretty much help your uncle by doing favors for him like going to the junkyard to fighting a robot boss that you get later for doing a different quest for your uncle. You get help from someone then go get 3 things from a mine then fight a boss that I beat so easily using the special. After that, you go to town to go to a different town and fight the person who helped teach you the game mechanics. After that, you go to the town, and turns out you have to go back then turns out the uncle has been kidnapped by some military group. Before you go into the other town you meet them and you have a bit of conversation with them and go on your way. You fight the boss that you lost but you can beat her and get a pretty powerful item but I don't have time to do that. The people from the town you live in see what happened and tell you where the military group went and you're on your way to save your uncle. You go to the town you're supposed to go to and get a schedule showing the time of the water for the cave that is useful unless you have tents that can advance time for 6 hours. After you get to the end of the cafe you fight the pretty easy boss go back to town and make your way to the other side of the game and it ends. Now for the premium version. In this version, you help an archeologist who is trying to explore the temple and you help her out by going through the place and fighting new monsters on your way. When I did the puzzle I got so confused by it that I looked up what to do which helped out a lot. After doing that and another puzzle like it you fight the boss that has 2 arms that can heal him so it's best to take him out. After that, you go to the end of the temple and find a teleporter. When that's done the archeologist goes along with you and that's about all I can say about the game. This game took me over 15 hours to beta since I had to deal with the bounty quest. There was one I missed but I couldn't even find the monster I was looking for nearly an hour so I gave up on it. I give this game a 9 out of 10. If you're going to get the premium version it's pretty easy to get working. Just download all the game files from the link from EvelynnSmurf and click on Flash player and you'll be able to play the game. Also at the end of the game, I couldn't see the ending cutscene because I got a white screen so I couldn't see what was going on but I already knew what happened so I didn't need to worry. This is probably my longest review of a Flash game since I have a lot of good memories with this game. Thanks for reading my review and have a nice day.

Beat this game in under an hour and here's my review of the game. You start off at home where you can deposit or withdraw money but it's pretty useless when you have 10 money of this game's currency. You can increase fame which can get you money and the best armor in the game that has more health than the boss. You fight robots depending on the territory you are at in the game. You can buy drinks that can increase your fame from 1 to 5 but it costs 500 money. You can buy upgrades that you can buy that are used for melee, ranged, and armor. The best is ranged since it does more damage. When you progress in the game you can get new stuff but they cost more. Last is the final boss I nearly died on until I escaped at the last moment before he could strike the final blow. You have a map showing where everything is for this short game. Good thing there's a safe feature that can be helpful If you die in the game. I remember first playing this and dying a lot since I didn't know what to do as a kid. I think this series is one of the first Flash RPG games I ever finished as a kid. The sequel I mean not this one. I give this game an 8 out of 10. But to be nice I'll give this game a 10 stars since I had fun with the game.

After another hour of finishing this game, it's an improvement over the first one. You fight bunnies that are taking over the world again and have to kill them with weapons. You get grenades, remote grenades, pistols, SMGs, shotguns, rifles, a grenade launcher, and lastly the Minigun. The guns are pretty fun to use and you do get trophies for doing certain things to get them. I didn't get all of them, I got like 70 percent of them. But it was a blast to play again and finish for the first time. For the bunnies, there are some new enemies to fight. You fight basic bunnies, big bunnies, robot bunnies, bunnies that fly, and ones that are robots that shoot lasers, big bunnies, and fat bunnies. You even fight bosses in this one. First is a wizard boss that I lost a lot in the first time I played in until I realized you have to shoot his spells back at him, second is a tank with a bunny controlling it, and last is a giant bunny that I beat on my first try just by spamming grenades and using the minigun. You can also upgrade your building, upgrade your assistant with different weapons until he gets the M4, weapons that are useful to take down the bunnies like one to slow them down or decrease health, money allowance increase for killing bunnies, fortification speed for rebuilding your base to prevent you from using your money very much. You do get trophies which I'm not sure what happens when you use all of them but you do get something that changes the style of the game but does not help you in the gameplay. I'm probably going to look it up on YouTube. I read the behind-the-scenes so that was interesting to read while I was playing this game and gave me information about how the game was made. I give this game a 9 out of 10.

After playing this game for like an hour and finishing the game. It's a pretty easy game to play when you get the Uzi. The dual uzis in this game are so op you can kill enemies faster and you can dual wield those guns like akimbos. The game has 9 weapon choices you can choose from. Some of them are the same so I'll keep it short. pistol, smg, shotgun, rifle, RPG, and airstrike. You can get upgrades that can help you out but get pretty pricey when you level up. You fight bunnies ranging from small bunnies, big bunnies, zombie bunnies, flying bunnies, fat bunnies, big bunnies with lasers, kamikaze bombers, and lastly a big zombie bunny with a laser that can be beaten easily. I give this game a 9 out of 10. I played the sequel before but lost because I wasn't being too careful in the game and only getting the weak guns first. After my experience with this game, I think I can do better in the sequel.

After playing this game I have to say for a mobile game this is pretty great. The visuals are way improved from the first 3 and you get different scenarios depending on the situation where you get to use a pistol, rifle, and a sniper. I wish I could try out the mobile version but I don't have very much money. Now that I think about it I think I can get it since most of the mobile games are like 0.99. I'm gonna try it out and see how it goes. I give this a 9 out of 10. Little update can't find it on the store. I guess the ios stores don't like those kinds of games on their app.

After playing the past few games this one is a step in the right direction. So you play in a place that's kind of like a Gulf War-like setting in Iraq defending a destroyed chopper from a wave of soldiers. They start off with infantry, then rocketeers, juggernauts, then lastly technicals. The technicals are hard to hit unless they stop but it's pretty easy to take them out If you have a very accurate rifle, or air support to help you take them out. You get multiple weapons in this one. You get pistols, SMGs, and rifles. I used the last rifle from the game because of how expensive it was. I thought the more expensive the more useful it is. You can even get attachments on your weapons which is a plus. You get patches that increase your ammo capacity and give you extra ammo for your sidearm and primary weapon. I stopped at wave 29 because I knew I would never be able to beat that level without support. You people can call me a pussy but that's too hard for me. If you can beat it then you deserve a medal. I give this game a 9 out of 10.

Welcome yo my Newgrounds account i have been the internet since i was like 4. I have been a fan of multiple web series since I was in elementary school. I'm a chill person to talk to when you get to know me and i have multiple hobbies. Thanks for reading.

Age 26, Male


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Joined on 6/14/18

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