Welcome yo my Newgrounds account i have been the internet since i was like 4. I have been a fan of multiple web series since I was in elementary school. I'm a chill person to talk to when you get to know me and i have multiple hobbies. Thanks for reading.

Age 26, Male


Germany, Wiesbaden

Joined on 6/14/18

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1,011 / 1,110
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auditt4's News

Posted by auditt4 - February 20th, 2024

I have some other art on my Steam profile and my Phone but now today I added a lot of hand-drawn art and sketches on the game app and I hope that all of you enjoy and comment on it. Let me just find the link and then I should be able to comment back to anyone that is responding to my work on Newgrounds and Steam. Any criticism is fine as long as you give an explanation of what is wrong and how I can become better because that's how all artists get better. I have over 30 pieces of artwork on my account and I might also add them on Newgrounds to see how People will react and comment on them. If anyone wants to add me on Steam that is fine but I don't accept trades or scams unless we get to know each other better. Here's my Steam account I hope you enjoy my art. Have good day for everyone reading this post. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198394140671



Posted by auditt4 - August 12th, 2022

So here's an update for me on my life on the internet, in case something exciting happens in the future. Just finished a popular game from the 90s on steam called Turok 1. I know there's more in the title than that. I just like to make things simple for myself so that I don't overcomplicate myself. So this game I played turned out to be very fun even though there were parts of the game that I got lost in from time to time in games. I'm not going to give a review because I already added a review on the game online on steam so that other people and maybe take some of the words I say as advice to play the game or not. So now my life right now has started to improve I feel like I'm able to go to multiple places outside while off the internet because I went to a big city around here in Germany called Mannheim. It's a pretty nice place when you come to Germany. I know that some people on the internet talk about certain things about it like the bad history that the country has but it's a pretty cool place to be in when you have a game plan in your head. I do have some problems with mental health but it's starting to become more reduced. I'm not going to tell some of you what I'm going through except to say that I'm doing fine just the way I am right now. I don't know what else to talk about except for things that get on my nerves. I hate people that aren't very nice to be around and just act like douchebags for no reason. I had a few people that act like they were your friend but didn't treat me pretty badly. I'm not sure If I told any of you this but I wasn't a very smart person in school. I'm still in college but I just need to be done with 3 more classes then I can finish college and take a break from it. I would like to get a career job that is close to working with video games but I barely got the knowledge of how a video game engine works for me and what not. I wanted to be one of the multiple people that I heard online that are video game developers. I have played a lot of video games in my life but I feel like If I just keep playing them there won't be any progress for me to learn how a video game works. So now I'm barely having any problems with my family except for some of my family members that don't like me because duh it happens. At least it's better than being in a family that hates you and name-calling you all the time to make you feel bad about yourself. I'm not a person that would be off on their own because I've made a lot of mistakes and I would think that I would get into big trouble with some authorities If I did something that I had no idea of. Also when talking to people that are higher ranking than me and takes advantage of me I wouldn't know what I'd be doing until it's too late. I have done some things that I'm not proud of but it still isn't going to get me down. So let me talk about something else before I make myself feel like I'm going to cry or something. So now to things that I'm happy about are the new chapters coming for the Japanese cartoon comic or manga for those of you that live under a bed Berserk. I've been following the berserk series since I was like 19 or 20. I love this series because of the story. For those of you that never had the time to read berserk go out and read it when you have the time. It's about a man named guts from childhood to adulthood fighting soldiers and demons with a very large sword called the Dragon Slayer. But if you a person that's not that into berserk then it's fine because it does have some content that isn't save for kids to read into. Also what makes this sad for me is the original creator of Berserk, Kentaro Muira, passed away from a thing called aortic dissection. It's one of the few deaths that got me that's from someone that I liked and respected. If it wasn't for the series I probably not feel motivated to live life and continue moving on to the end of my life. I first got into Berserk from the anime from 1997 the animation is done by the animation studio that does Pokemon which made my childhood more advanced. So after watching the show I wanted more because I knew that wasn't the ending couldn't have ended like that until I realize there's a manga which I thought would be boring until I read and took my time with it. As the work keeps on going I was probably not the best person that is good when paying attention to detail but I could tell that I was reading something that was more just a generic manga from some person but an artist that had a vision (If that makes sense). Now that's done now to music I'm not much of a fan of rap or hip-hop but some songs do catch my eye like a few songs that Kendrick Lamar makes like that one song called "Money Trees". One of the verses that I liked most from the song is "Everybody goes respect the shooter, but the one in front of the gun lives forever" I feel that this part of the song from what people say is about someone is going to be famous for doing terrible things but the person that is dead or alive still has their lives ahead of them with their family worshiping them. I have a youtube playlist online with multiple choices of music that are my favorite music to listen to when I'm bored or using it for video games as background music for example groove music for Forza Horizon 3. The last thing that I'm going to talk about is now since I've been gaining a bit of weight I decided that it's time for me to work out inside the house and outside in the heat. I just done this in a few days ago and I'm not seeing a difference but I'm still motivating myself to work out. Maybe I might share photos on here with my muscles but I'm not sure about that. Ok now that's done I'll be seeing you people later in a few days, weeks ,or months.


Posted by auditt4 - March 4th, 2022

Hello people of Newgrounds I would like to say hello and say that I'm doing fine right now. I'm still living and just waiting to get a job soon so that I can get games or movies. I don't know what else to add except some stories that I have during my time in a high school in Germany. It's not a place where people would call home but when you meet people around you it just makes you feel like. I used to have this friend at my school that I've known since middle school, but he was a problem to other people. Not to me because we were BFF at the time and he still was. Well, I had 2 BFFs at my school during middle school so let's start with that first. When I first met him he just seemed like any other kid that had the same problems as me until I started to dig deep into the things that we both liked. He did have a crush on this one girl that he liked but the girl rejected him many times and I was part of it for some reason. I don't have a good memory of that happened but I think he wanted me to ask this girl to be close with him or something like that, so I went back to him telling him that the girl didn't have a crush on him, which didn't stop him to asking her out. Also, this other friend I met in middle school was a guy that I consider as my first BFF that I met during middle before I moved to this place here which I consider as my 3rd place where I had to move when I was very young. I used to play with my friend online and he was one of the reasons I started to get involved to call of duty. The first one I played is "COD: Black ops". The first one is not the one people are playing today. But I never had access to multiplayer or the most popular game mode zombies at the time because the disc I had didn't work too well, so I had to wait until I was much older to get a better cod: black ops 1 DVD which I got from helping out a US soldier that I would help out with my dad that paid me on the amount of time we stayed there. I remember when I saw this guy playing bf4 on his gaming laptop and had his load of games near his old computer which would always catch my eye and I asked the Military dude If I could get his games since he doesn't play them anymore which was a great day for me. I was about 16 or 15 at the time when I first got them it was battlefield 3, cod waw to black op 2. For game black 1 and 2 were stuck together if this makes sense. I mean that black ops 1 and 2 were in the same disc place where you put the disc in. After getting permission from my dad it got me invested in multiplayer games and It got me involved in the video game world when I was chatting with other people online. The first time that I used Xbox 360 mic was the first time It brought me to a new world that I never heard of before and would be another highlight because it got me invested in talking to people in video games and helped me to talk to other people IRL. Now back to my BFF that I was friends with before. I had this one friend that I watched the hunger games with him while I was sitting next to him and his girlfriend and another I had another that I knew since middle school too. I was between two guys and two girls kissing them while I was alone in the middle not getting a chick to kiss me which was embarrassing to get through in the movie. I remember the scene when Katniss Everdeen meets one of the elite people from district 1 or 2 I forgot. I remember the black dude saving her from the girl from the movie. I remember my friend cheered as the girl died because of how much he respected for taking care of the death of one of the girls killed in the hunger games. Also for the hunger games book, I remember reading some parts in the book that just describe in detail what happened in the book that make some of the guys embarrassed in my classroom. It wasn't a big classroom it was pretty small. It was pretty much a classroom that special kids like me were in so that we can make it through middle school and prep us for high school. I did enjoy the book and did inspire me to read more of the books online but my other BFF ruined the book for me because he would the book for all of the three books and still that didn't stop me from reading the books. I do own the second book in my living room or maybe it will be gone I don't know. I'm just glad to read that series and sort of inspired me to read a little bit. Not a whole lot but still helped me read a bit. I'll just say for the number of books that I've been reading it's still a lot of books that I've been reading so far in my life and I can't tell the difference for the total of books that I've read so far. Now for a college boy, I have a few things to say about that because for certain classes it feels easy at first but when you don't know what to do it feels like a pain in the ass. Right now I'm taking a class on how python works and some of the things I checked up online is how much these people get paid on people that do python get like 28 bucks per hour for working there. I'm not really sure this class I'm taking right now is the kind of thing that I should do as a career for my future. Sometimes I feel like I'm not going to make it in life because I feel like I'm going to grow up being a person in a job that just doesn't get paid right for the position to be in right now. I'm not sure what I want to do in my life because I don't know unless someone guides me with the right choice to make myself better in my life.

Well, that's all I have for my life story so far. I'll be back If I survive the pandemic or the war that's going on in Ukraine right now.


Posted by auditt4 - February 6th, 2022

So I'm just going to be rambling about things that are going or not doing good in my life. So for Germany where I live at is pretty fine. Even with their dark history, I do respect them because they probably know how serious it is for other minorities around the world to come to their country to learn about their culture. Right now I'm feeling bored of other things that I could be doing like watching shows on Netflix and whatnot. I just started reading a book called October sky that is about a few kids that built a mini rocket in the late 1950s, because of the rise of Soviet technology at the time of bringing sputnik around the earth makes America embarrassed that they aren't way ahead of them at the time. The first time I heard of the author was from the movie based on the same name. It is based on a true story about them and how they're struggling to get the rockets that they practiced to see which one is the best to use. To be honest I barely paid attention to the book because there are just too much ingredients that talk about what the rocket needs but It's the only book that I have around me at my home. I know it's been a while since my post because I've just been busy with other things in my life that I want to be done like racing games that I want to finish twice to improve my racing skills in video games. I'm not sure If I told you, people is this on the last post that I put up I but I'm just starting to get bored of my life so far and I'm just waiting for other things to come out before I start to feel like I'm stuck in a rut of problems. It's not that I'm depressed or maybe I am but it's nothing serious because I barely got people that are with me and the people around me speak mostly so it's hard to find friends that are around my age range. I do join a discord server that talks about different things on the server like how life is going with other people, movies, games, etc. Well, not the game one but you what I'm saying. I'm pretty awkward in real life because I just don't know what social norms are ok to talk about with other people which makes me look weird around them. I do read a lot of books so that I can feel more at home in the country I'm in. One of the few books that catch my interest is the book 1984, which I'm pretty sure everyone knows about. It's a book I read before but stopped because I'm just not used to reading long books at the time. Also, the name 1984 for the 2 digit numbers for when it was created is 1948 which is the number of the last two numbers reversed around the other way. One of the few animators that I lie on this site of Newgrounds is Spazkid because his art is the kind I feel looks pretty great to look at. Even, with the girls that he draws on his page. I got nothing else to add to Spazkid because I do like looking at Newgrounds art when I'm bored including the mature and adult ones because I feel like they push the boundaries of what is good art can be. So when it comes to music I do enjoy it here and there when I got nothing else to listen to. I listen to mostly rock, electronic, and Japanese music. For rock, I listen to any that are on my playlist or when I feel like it I just go look up random music that's on youtube because that's where I mostly listen to my music on. Same for Electronic and Japanese music I just like to listen to music that is both funky and calm to listen to. Not that I hate all music because there are a few hidden gems in the music that I feel like no one listens to. I might put the playlist of songs that I have on my playlist which is a lot but most of the songs are pretty good. When it comes to video games I've been looking for more video games that I'm playing because there are just so many words that I want to explore until death do me apart when I reach past my middle age in the next 27 years. I'm not gonna lie death does scare me a little bit but with the videos that I watch on youtube they make me worry about it too much when I'm having a bad feeling say "What's happening with my life". I don't know if it's the loneliness taking over but I'm not going to do anything to desperate unless I need help with something that has been going on in my mind which is not the case. I just hope in the future that I can find friends that are just like me so that we can share each other's interests and not worry about life to much and talk about movies, books, video games, news of what's going on around the world. I didn't add that I don't have a driver's license because getting a license here is pretty pricey. Not gonna get into that because the talk between my mother and the license is private between me and her. I'm not saying I don't want a license I just want it to be fair with me so that I don't hurt someone in the future with a car that my family used to own. I guess that's all I have to ramble about so thank you who ever is reading my 2nd post on newgrounds.

Here's the rock music that I listen to:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF-5eNXftDXobCedse_bP05jaZcK2W1rR

Here's the electronic music that I listen to:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF-5eNXftDXotU2respywzWN7ewaLx1mF

Here's the Japanese music that I listen to:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF-5eNXftDXpfi71WsMXfDBI-21CF6EeK


Posted by auditt4 - October 25th, 2021

Hello, those of you that are reading my profile I'm just going to copy and paste some of the things I say on different websites and post them on here. So pretty much if any of you are interested in me I like playing video games, watching movies, and reading books that look interesting. Right now I'm reading a manga series called Battle Angel Alita. I might post random things that I feel like talking about in my life like what I'm feeling and what cartoons on Newgrounds I find to be underrated on the site. One time I found a far cry stick figure animation that looked pretty good in high quality for the time. Really does show how much time and effort people put into their work. Idk If I'll be making my own work for Newgrounds for people to enjoy like video games and whatnot. If I can make one and make at least one person happy with my game then I'll consider that an accomplishment. So about me, my birthday is April 21, 1998, and I'm 23 years old. I live here in Germany keeping to myself because of the pandemic that has been around for a while since I've been somewhere that I'd like to keep private unless I'm talking to my friends from in real life about it. I have 3 brothers and my mother. My father isn't along with me and my family anymore because of cancer so it was pretty hard for me to go on without him until I got older. So for me, I've been on the internet for a long time and I've barely got anything much to talk about unless there's a subject that interests me. I'm a bit of wondering, like a character out of the game fallout just exploring the wasteland and looking for new things to do instead of being stuck in a hole all day. Huh, I kind of realize that this pandemic is making it feel like the game fallout. If anyone wants to add me on steam my name is "Sillyriver44" where I play modern and old video games but since I'm in Germany I can't play some of the classic games like F.E.A.R. 1. I'm pretty nooby when it comes to PC so don't expect me to know everything on how computers work. I only know how Word and Powerpoint work and whatnot from the internet. I don't like talking about my sex life on the internet unless it's on a website where the users are anonymous so that expect me to say things out of the blue. I don't look at porn like I used to as a teenager because I know as a kid you get very addicted to it because of how accessible it is to you. I know my dad used to watch it a lot when I wasn't looking. I have a bit of a story where I caught my father watching porn and I told him that I already know about that pretty awkwardly. He pretty much just talked to me in a way that sounded like he just wanted me to back off from his case and I didn't bother with him and his problem, because as a father they have to deal with problems like that themselves. For me, I'm a person that likes reading works like that in art form. I remember when I was introduced to Shadman which those of you that never heard of him be glad that you haven't because this guy's art is good but pretty controversial. I don't want to get into it that much unless I go on a rant about the things I feel about him. Sort of thanks for him he got me into female art that has them... Let us just say that he does "things" that is the nicest thing that I can say if you guys and gals know what I mean. Ok getting off-topic so one of the few video games that I like playing is from valve obviously. I remember when I was younger the first time I heard of Valve was from their game counter strike. Never played the game until much later as after watching this popular counter strike video online pretty much had the entire video game culture of video games mixed into one video of people on the video game of each team playing out their personality based on their names. I don't need to explain I might link like the video example at the bottom to show you guys what I mean. I live in an apartment with my mother helping her out as best as I can with college in the way. I am having trouble with that but I'm trying to get through it by getting through it so that I can become a video game developer in the future. I'm not sure which game company I can become in the future but I hope it's one that barely has any big problems like Blizzard. I don't have a girlfriend if anyone wondering never had one even in high school because I've been busy with college and video games that I barely got time for that. I know there are dating websites but I don't have a job now and money for paying for dating sites is out of the question because my mother owns that money so it's complicated. For any of you guys that are blaming my mother, it's not her fault. It could be Stockholm syndrome for me but I don't know it's just how things are for me. Now for movies, I've seen all kinds of movies I can tell you guys that. I've nearly seen all the movies by Stanley Kubrick. I like watching classic movies because they just give me more insight into what people at the time were going through. I kind of doesn't like it at the same time because of how fake it could be because some movies don't add some realistic feeling to it when it comes to movies like movie characters surviving bullets by having a flesh wound unless it's from a comedy it just depends on the movie we're talking about. I like watching movies a lot because there's just so much vision that the director and other people add to the film that makes them more interesting to watch because of how much work that people take to make these films work from one end to another. So books I like reading when I was a kid but during middle school, I was lacking reading education because I barely had time for them and I hated reading as a kid because I always found reading boring as a child. Now I've been reading a lot of books to increase my mind to horizons that I would never see myself going through and improve my imagination that's something I like doing a lot. I like living a fantasy-like setting where there's a fantasy-like setting where it's a cyberpunkish future where war is rampant between two nations and it keeps going with predated weapons from the past like aks, g36, m4, classic weapons from the past. I like watching anime too because it's been part of my childhood. I just like it when the characters are young because that's the age range that I relate to the most. I think cartoons that are based on young kids is called "shonen" anime if I'm correct. I've watched all of Dragon ball the original one, not the Dragon Ball Z version because most of the time I skipped on it because I got bored of the dialogue from the show I mostly watch it for the action. I haven't seen all of dragon ball gt because I heard of how bad it was and it didn't interest me as much. I like watching old anime because of the style they had than modern anime. Modern anime for me sometimes lack the pow that anime has like for certain vehicles in modern anime they have them look so fake like while old anime actually animate their cars and put in extra details you don't see in anime today. I'm not saying this for all anime but for some of them they do. I've seen Cowboy Bebop, Berserk, Excel Saga, Great Teacher Onizuka, Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, Black Lagoon, any of the Studio Ghibli films, and Akira. Those are some of my favorites that I've seen from my collection that I've seen in my life so far. That's all I feel like talking about I'll post a link on the bottom of the page to give you guys and gals a link to the things I was talking about. Thanks for taking your time to learn more about me and If people respond I might add more about myself in the future. : )

TL:DR: Pretty much talking about myself and the things that I like about the internet and hobbies.

Links: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/148082 This video is the one I was talking about when it comes to counter-strike characters.

https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/290973 This ones the far cry flash video I was talking about.
